Are there contacts that block blue light?

Blue light contact lenses are specifically designed to block blue light. These contact lenses can filter out blue light meaning that the potentially harmful UV rays emitted from screens do not enter the eye. These contact lenses are usually clear so can be worn every day for work, study, or gaming.

Is blue block lens good for your eyes?

There is early research and anecdotal evidence to suggest that wearing a blue block lens is good for your eyes. Blue block lenses are designed to reduce the effects of digital eye strain and the potentially lasting effects this can have on your vision. Many people turn to blue light blocking glasses or lenses to prevent blue light eye strain and find that their eyes do stay feeling alert for longer. 

Research shows blue light lenses can help to reduce symptoms such as headaches and eye strain but may not eliminate the lasting effects of extended screen use. Many scientists say that simply avoiding screens is the best way to reduce any problems caused by blue light but sometimes this is not possible if we require a screen for work or study.

Do UV-blocking contacts block blue light?

UV blocking contacts are not the same as lenses that block blue light however some UV protection contact lenses are also designed to block blue light like the Chromaview Blue Safe Light Blocking Contact Lenses. Blue light is different from UV light. Digital screens only emit blue light, not UV whereas natural light will have both. UV blocking contact lenses are not necessarily tinted like sunglasses but they do prevent UV rays from reaching your eyes. 

Effects of Blue Light On Your Eyes

What is blue light?

Blue light is a type of light that the human eye can see (the visible light spectrum). It is emitted most powerfully by the sun but is also present in artificial sources of light, more specifically electronic screens such as phones, tablets, and LED monitors. While the blue light in digital screens is not as powerful, it is closer to our eyes during use.

What does blue light do to your brain?

The main problem with prolonged exposure to blue light is that it tricks the brain into thinking it is still daytime and that your body should be awake. When the sun goes down, the natural blue light levels reduce, therefore causing the body to release a hormone called melatonin. This hormone lets us know that is time to relax and prepare for sleep. By continuing to expose ourselves to screens and phone blue light during the evening, our body won’t start to release melatonin and therefore it may be harder to keep a regular and healthy sleep pattern.

Is blue light really harmful? Is blue light bad for your eyes?

There is early evidence to suggest that blue light eye damage can cause conditions such as macular degeneration which affects the middle part of your vision. This is because blue light penetrates straight to the back of your retina. Other effects of blue light can include reduced sleep and eye fatigue which over time may affect your general health and mental wellbeing. 

How do I reduce the effects of blue light? How can I protect my eyes from blue light?

It is possible to reduce the effects of blue light. The common advice is to reduce your screen time and make sure you are protecting your eyes while in sunlight by wearing sunglasses or a similar UV and blue light blocking product. If you are unable to avoid using screens due to work or study then it is possible to wear blue light blocking contact lenses or glasses, just like you would wear sunglasses on a sunny day. The blue light blocking lenses help to reduce blue light exposure keeping your eyes feeling fresh and healthy. The effects of blue light glasses are designed to help reduce fatigue as well as prevent blue light from disrupting your sleep pattern.

Does blue light reset circadian rhythm? Does blue light disrupt sleep?

While all the colours on the visible light spectrum contribute to your circadian rhythm (your natural body clock), blue light is the most significant. During the day the sun emits blue light to let your body know it is time to be awake. Your body starts preparing for sleep once the sun has set by releasing a hormone called melatonin. If you continue to use screens that emit blue light while your body should be preparing to rest then your body will not release the melatonin hormone to let you know that you are sleepy. This is why it is important to block extra exposure from blue light by filtering it out when you look at screens. The blue light effects on sleep can keep your body awake even if you feel tired, causing sleep disruption. 

Blue light technology in the form of blue blocking contact lenses is designed to reduce the effects of blue light on your health. This includes your sleep pattern and eye health. The Chromaview Blue Safe Light Blocking Contact Lenses are designed for blue light and UV protection while keeping your daily comfort a top priority. These clear coloured contact lenses have a hydrophilic coating to help keep your eyes hydrated and comfortable which is also important if you are spending extended periods looking at a screen. In our daily life, we may need or want to spend time on screens for study, work, or gaming. However, the effect of blue light can mean that your eyes feel fatigued, therefore affecting your focus. With blue light blocking contact lenses, you can reduce these issues, allowing you to give a top performance at work, for your next exam, or in your next gaming tournament.

Please Note: Information in this article is based on knowledge from our research and experience at Coloured Contacts. All details provided should be read alongside professional advice and scientific studies.