Tiger Eye Contact Lenses And Other Big Cat Costumes

Tiger Eye Contact Lenses And Other Big Cat Costumes

Are you looking to release your wild side? Find the ferocious feline within for your next costume. Try out a pair of Tiger Eye Contact Lenses to channel the energy of this awesome big cat. Animal cosplays can be great fun, especially with our range of Cat’s Eye Lenses. Transform your iris into a vertical slit or try out a round-eyed style. We all know cats are hard to ignore when they use the cute and wide-eyed routine!

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If you are looking for a tiger eye style then be sure to check out our yellow contact lenses as most tigers have gorgeous golden eyes. We recommend the Yellow Avatar Coloured Contact Lenses or Yellow UV Coloured Contact Lenses. Check out Instagrammer @lenniedin to see our yellow contacts in use. She has created an awesome tiger costume using body paint. Stock up on yellow, orange, black and white paints to create a tiger style at home.


A post shared by Lenniedin (@lenniedin)

You don’t just have to stick to yellow when searching for tiger contact lenses. Our red and orange styles are also great for unleashing a tiger. Check out Instagrammer @queenofluna in her red and orange contact lenses. She looks like a friendly feline with those glistening round eyes and awesome eye makeup. To re-create this style we recommend these lenses:

  • Red Darth Maul Coloured Contact Lenses
  • Red Wild Fire Coloured Contact Lenses
  • Red Crazy Clown Coloured Contact Lenses
  • Orange Werewolf Coloured Contact Lenses

A post shared by Saraswati (@queenofluna)

Think you are missing out on all the fun because you need corrective lenses? After all, we have never seen a tiger wearing glasses! Don’t worry, with prescription wild eyes contacts you can also find your wild side. We recommend trying out the Red Angelic Vampire Coloured Prescription Contact Lenses for a spooky red hue or the Yellow Cat Coloured Prescription Contact Lenses for a cat-shaped iris. See our prescription range, here.

Alternative Wild Eyes Contacts

If you would prefer to try out a pair of cat eye contact lenses with slit iris then why not transform into a different animal from the cat family? Instagrammer @manontissierspfxmua has created this awesome cosplay based on Alice In Wonderland. This Cheshire cat style looks awesome with our Aqua Blue Cat’s Eye Coloured Contact Lenses. You can also try other colours such as yellow, red and green.

When purchasing the Yellow Cat Coloured Prescription Contact Lenses you can enjoy Prism Ballast technology that will ensure your lenses are always the correct orientation. This is especially useful for cat eye styles as it looks best if the pupil is vertical. If you are searching for realistic cat eye contacts then these are a great option. Select the power for each eye and enjoy clear vision as well as a funky style.

In contrast, @sfx_by_bry has created the classic original Disney Cheshire Cat in pink with White Snake Coloured Contact Lenses. See more Alice In Wonderland characters in our blog.


A post shared by Bry (@sfx_by_bry)

As you can see there are plenty of coloured contact lenses to choose from to complete your animal cosplay. Sometimes you can even find inspiration in unusual places so be sure to check out all our different styles to help make your big cat unique.

Remember when we all got obsessed with Tiger King? Those were strange times. The internet went crazy for the Tiger King series and that included content creators. Check out @fx_freak's blue Tiger King makeup, inspired by the series. Her Tiger King contact lenses are the Aqua Blue Ice Walker Coloured Contacts.


A post shared by Lauren Ward🖤 (@fx_freak)


If you are looking to create a cat costume for Halloween or a fancy dress party, then check out this gorgeous glam style by @en_angie. This bold makeup would look so cute paired with a Catwoman costume or a classic cat fancy dress.


A post shared by Enisa Ahmatović (@en_angie)

Alternatively, why not add some SFX makeup to your Halloween costume for a gory finish? @fx_freak has created this Scar from the Lion King makeup using our Green Werewolf Coloured Contact Lenses. For a full list of Disney Villain costume inspiration, check out our blog here.


A post shared by Lauren Ward🖤 (@fx_freak)

We couldn’t help mentioning some of the Halloween contact lenses cheap deals we currently have. Shop in our sale to get your contact lenses for less. We always enjoy the pictures you share of your awesome costumes, from Pennywise the Clown to Valak contact lenses.

If you are in a hurry to get your contact lenses in time for a party or event then you can select next day delivery coloured contact lenses for certain countries. Be sure to explore all your delivery options to find the cheapest or fastest postage.

Whichever colour you are searching for, Coloured Contacts prides itself on stocking plenty of variety, from white contact lenses to purple contacts. Be sure to share your pictures with us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter of your costumes or natural styles. We would love to see some more tiger eye contact lenses costumes so why not have a go at creating your own kitty character?

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