Contact Lens Travel Cases


Contact Lens Travel Cases

3 products found.
Antibacterial Contact Lens Case, Cleaning Travel Kit, Lens Care
Antibacterial Contact Lens Case
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Contact lens travel cases are an essential item for anyone who wants to enjoy the advantages of contact lenses during their time away from home. If you don’t bring a quality contact lens travel case kit you will find yourself struggling to clean your lenses properly and may end up having to spend your holiday with glasses or your natural eye colour. The cases available at Coloured Contacts are only the best contact lens travel cases with multiple designs so you can choose what you want. They are also very cheap so there has never been a better time to get your hands on your own travel kit.

Why You Need A Contact Lens Travel Case

If you’ve been looking for an excuse to try out a new pair of coloured contact lenses then a trip away from home is the perfect time to try them out. The new scenery of your holiday location will likely be vibrant and interesting, so compliment your surroundings by taking a pair of natural looking coloured contacts so you can get used to the new colour and decide if this is the sort of thing you want to wear every day when you return from you paradisiacal time away. Take a travel contact lens case to keep your vacation lenses clean so you can wear them whenever you want to go out and experience new things.

You may also love creating elaborate and interesting Cosplay costumes that include coloured contacts for that extra attention to detail. If you do, you will know that the best place to enjoy dressing up as your favourite character is during a Cosplay convention. Walking around in an outfit is a wonderful experience and knowing that your eyes look just as good is a great feeling. If you don’t prepare however, you might find yourself in a situation where you can’t wear your contacts and you will hate how your costume is just a little off. If you were going to purchase one of our amazing cosplay contacts then why not purchase a contact lenses case travel kit at the same time so you can save on shipping, making them even cheaper.

The small price of the contact lense case means you can use it as a daily disposable contact lens travel case. Use it while you are on holiday then throw away if you don't have room to bring it home again. This is also the perfect place to prepare your 1 Day contact lenses for use. Use a daily disposable contact lens storage case to soak your lens to ensure it is sterile before you wear it.

With our latest range of prescription contact lenses there has never been a better time to enjoy the quality colours that Coloured Contacts has in store. This also means you don’t want to get caught out when your contacts are dirty. Whether you’re going on vacation or just wear contacts on a daily basis, being unable to wear your prescription contacts because they’re unclean can often result if you have to wander around with blurry vision or returning to your glasses and original eye colour. When you’re exploring new places, the last thing you want is to be stuck wearing glasses all the time, especially during a night out on the town. Make sure to stay prepared and keep your vision clear when you’re away with a daily contact lens travel case.

Buy Contact Lens Travel Case UK at Coloured Contacts

So now you know why getting a contact lens travel case kit is so important, you’ll want to decide on a case from our many options as well as knowing exactly what is included in a travel kit. Firstly you’ll want to know about what makes a travel case different from ordinary contact lens cases. The biggest difference in the outer contact lens case holder made from tough plastic that keeps all of your contact lens equipment safe and packaged together. This keeps everything organized and safe while travelling in your bag or suitcase. The travel case also has a pair of tweezers and an application wand. These make the cleaning of the contacts easier as well as making sure that you don’t have to use your fingers when placing the contacts in your eyes. This ensures that they are cleaner and don’t carry any dirt from your fingers into your eyes.

When it comes to designs, you can decide if you want a simple looking case or one of our cool contact lens cases. The Love Rabbit case is an example of our simplistic design, with a normal lens case that features a rabbit on one cap and lettering on the other. This would be a perfect option for someone who wants a simple image to distinguish their case from others without too much novelty. If you would prefer something more kawaii, then our cute contact lens cases are a great option. The Fish Contact Lens Cases feature a 3D plastic model of a fish and starfish so you can add an oceanic theme to your case, making them instantly recognisable. Alternatively the Teddy Contact Lens Cases have models of teddy bears. The bears don’t have a face though, so we love the idea of you customizing them to look however you want, making them completely unique to you.

If you’re planning to buy contact lenses online at Coloured Contacts, you know that quality and ease of use are our priorities. So while you’re purchasing a new pair, you should pay the insanely cheap price for contact lens travel cases and save on the cost of shipping as well as guaranteeing that your contacts will stay safe and clean for the day, 90 days or year period that you’re entitled.