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@van_kelsing and @ladyparadoxx have created Lock Shock and Barrel costumes with SFX makeup and masks to give you inspiration for your own Nightmare Before Christmas costumes. You can see the differing makeup styles of these two talented artists. @van_kelsing has coloured her teeth to create the toothy grins of Lock, Shock and Barrel while @ladyparadoxx has painted them over her own mouth for an exaggerated oversized style. Both designs look fantastic so it is down to personal choice. Lady Paradoxx’s style can be used if you are creating your costume only using makeup and @van_kelsing’s is great for a SFX cosplay. They both have the Lock Shock and Barrel masks which you can buy or mould yourself.
Shock Nightmare Before Christmas is the oldest of the children at 7 years old. She is also the only girl and is shown to be the leader of the group. She has purple hair to match her purple witch costume. Like most 7 year olds, Shock is missing teeth so make sure to include this detail in your Shock costume whether you are painting on a big grin or colouring your own teeth. Shock has light blue detailing around her eyes and mouth and slightly yellow skin that can be replicated with face paint or makeup. To create Tim Burton eyes, use white coloured contact lenses to give the illusion of wide scleras and a very small iris or pupil. Our top choices for White Coloured Contacts include:
In her Nightmare Before Christmas series, @van_kelsing also created a Lock costume. To make a DIY cosplay, she wore a red jumper, a red wig and highlighted her eyebrows with red makeup. Lock Nightmare Before Christmas is a 6 year old boy dressed in a devil costume. Like Shock, Lock also has blue highlights around his eyes but there are a few details that differ to create his makeup. He has a powdered white face, pointed teeth and yellow eyes. His mask has devil horns and the front of his hair is curled upwards to mimic this so you can style your own hair to create this aesthetic. To create his yellow eyes, @van_kelsing has chosen the Red Crazy Clown lenses for a blend of yellow and red to the iris. Our top coloured contact lenses for Lock are:
Barrel is the youngest child in the trick-or-treat gang at 5 years old. He is wearing a skeleton costume that could be a set of pyjamas. This costume is easy to DIY and can be paired with a mask if you want to create every detail of the Barrel costume. He has pale white skin, dark makeup around the eyes, a blue mouth, and green hair. You can create your Barrel Nightmare Before Christmas costume using temporary green hair dye, makeup, and a skeleton outfit for a budget fancy dress. To complete your transformation, wear white coloured contact lenses like @van_kelsing to give the illusion of his large white eyes with small black pupils.
While Lock Shock and Barrel cosplay is most commonly seen during Halloween, Tim Burton’s characters are fun to dress as in any season, including Christmas. This classic story gave us some amazing characters that are popular choices for fancy dress. Try out your own Lock Shock Barrel makeup using @ladyparadoxx and @van_kelsing as inspiration and share your results with us on Instagram and TikTok.
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